2013 year in review for Evolution RRs
Last year on facebook, I posted a dog year in review and goals. So, here we go again….in 2013 I made my goals very focused on titles I was looking for the dogs to earn. I wanted Cali to earn her Master Agility Championship (MACH) and complete the RRCUS endurance trial (a 12 mile run completed in under 2 hours). Torro’s goals were a bit less lofty but broader, giving him time to participate in large variety of activities: begin competing in agility and earn his Novice Agility (NA), and Novice Jumpers (NAJ) titles, run some lure coursing trials, work towards his Grand Championship in conformation (GCH), and train for the endurance trial since I hoped to run both dogs in together at our National Specialty!
Both dogs managed all that handily– they breezed through the endurance trial (earning the “ET” title) and finished ready for a romp while I needed a long nap. Cali earned her MACH in November, making her the 19th Rhodesian Ridgeback to ever earn a Master Agility Championship. Torro went above and beyond in agility to earn his Open Agility title (OA) and the first leg of his Open Jumpers title (OAJ). Plus, with very limited showing when there was something close to home and a free weekend he finished the year with all but the last few singles of his Grand Championship and got his Senior Courser (SC) lure coursing title.
2014 is going to have a slightly different goal focus, but more on that in another post. I had a lot of fun with these 2 awesome doggies this year and expect 2014 to be no different!